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If you have a laptop and you have tried replacing the charger but it still refuses to charge there is a chance you require a DC Power Jack Repair. If the pin where you put the charger in seems loose then the chances are that it will need to be fixed.
Scorpion Computers Laptop Repair only use the latest heat and solder tools to ensure the job is done right the first time round, however many competitors choose not to do so.
Symptoms of a broken DC Jack:
The laptop only operates when you hold the power cord in a certain position.
The laptop only runs on battery power.
The laptop gets no power at all or very little power.
The laptop will not charge the battery.
The laptop shuts down without any notice.
Sparks flying out of laptop.
How Can My DC Power Jack Break?
Dropping the laptop whilst it is connected to the charger.
Wear and tear.
DC Power Jacks tend to have little protection making them vulnerable.
If your laptop does in fact need a DC Power Jack please give us a call we are more than happy to help.